Forums - Rush that shit down... Show all 78 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Rush that shit down... ( Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:09:2001 10:08 PM: The population of rushdown users seems to be growing rather nicely nowadays. I thought I'd start a thread for everyone to discuss their thoughts, give tips, and whatnot involving rushdown. Especially for the king of rushdown magneto and the queen, storm. Really hope shadyK or combo fiend wonders in here and share their wealth of knowledge on the topic. If the situation doesn't require it, please refrain from posting air combos and such. For rushdown I find that messing with people's minds to set up for those combos is WAY more important. I guess I'll try to get things going: what are some of the best ways to "force" opponents to waste aaa's or to put themseles in a position for you to rush the hell out of them? Assuming this is against a good aaa with some point man that can make you really pay if you fail to execute. Personally this is one of my worst areas, usually it's me that throws away the assist at horrible times. Imagine a mirror match between Mag/Storm/Psy. To try to fake some kind of threat so that the opponent throws out psylocke aaa, I like to dash in or superjump and cancel to a straight airdash and just block in front of their face. I'm not 100% sure, but I think another ground dash will be totally useless because psylocke will be in the way meaning you can't touch the point. A triangle jump over both psylocke and the point(Magneto/Storm) would seem a tad predictable and ineffective. What would you people do in this situation. I've tried launch, AC, tempest and dhc to storm to punish the psylocke, but I really don't feel the damage is worth the two wasted meters. Feel free to ask your own questions on top of this one! Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 05:09:2001 10:45 PM: a good why to stop a Rush down team is anti air-assist i found the best anti-air against rush down is Captain Commando.......he works awsomely (if that is even a word). Another good tactic is a lot of super jumping because think about it to rush down is required for opponent to be on ground now if they are in the air that is much much much MUCH harder to do! Thats it for me OHHHHH because most rush down characters take damage easily heavy hitters are welcome and if not heavy hiters just be patient and wait for opening then destroy! Posted by Wind on 05:09:2001 10:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry a good why to stop a Rush down team is anti air-assist i found the best anti-air against rush down is Captain Commando.......he works awsomely (if that is even a word). Another good tactic is a lot of super jumping because think about it to rush down is required for opponent to be on ground now if they are in the air that is much much much MUCH harder to do! Thats it for me OHHHHH because most rush down characters take damage easily heavy hitters are welcome and if not heavy hiters just be patient and wait for opening then destroy! I don't think he is looking for anti-rushdown tactics or teams. I think he is talking about getting around traps/rushdown or whatever using rushdown itself. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:09:2001 11:19 PM: Yeah, I don't need anti-rushdown tactics. I've got plenty of my own. I just want people's inputs on how to make good rushdown even better.... Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:09:2001 11:33 PM: That idea about aircomboing the helper is a good idea. As long as your hitting your opponents, it's all good. Don't worry too much about wasting supers with Mag/Storm, 'cause they can easily build it back up. My main strat with Mag/Storm is to look for snapback opportunities so that I can kill helpers, or at the very least, force the weak link to fight me first (i.e. Psylocke, CapCom). Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 12:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry a good why to stop a Rush down team is anti air-assist i found the best anti-air against rush down is Captain Commando.......he works awsomely (if that is even a word). Another good tactic is a lot of super jumping because think about it to rush down is required for opponent to be on ground now if they are in the air that is much much much MUCH harder to do! Thats it for me OHHHHH because most rush down characters take damage easily heavy hitters are welcome and if not heavy hiters just be patient and wait for opening then destroy! i dunno who ur playin but shadys mag is fast enough to stop my CapCom before he can do his playing a real mag that doesnt work..try again..ill tell you if your right Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 12:35 AM: but the best tactics to use in rushdown is reset the combo meter.again and again..more damage and you just own your opponent...for example suppose you launch whether it be a normal launch or dl,lk,lk,assist,d lk hk hyper grav..i think u know what i mean ok launch hk dash down forward lk at this point you control your opponent you can continue the combo jumpin lk lk assist hyper grav and launch and air combo of your choice OR you can dash under d lk lk assist or stay in front d lk lk assist and start all over..or u can do a real fast triangle jump with RH and continue..theres a bunch of options.. or launch and cancel the sj and sj and airgrab and do whateva after that..mix it up however u want but theres no room for mistakes...if your opponent has a opportunity to push out that might kill ya Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:10:2001 12:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa launch and cancel the sj and sj and airgrab and do whateva after that I've actually been working on this for a while now, needless to say mine couldn't hold a candle to shadyk's but I have a good grasp on the concept. The part I don't get is the above quote. You may have mistyped something, but I don't know what you are trying to say here. Do you mean to sj.RH airdash after them and airthrow? I try to avoid the airthrows at all costs as it seems more like a combo ender than a way to continue the combo. Other than doing an EM disruptor, what can you do to them after a throw? Assuming this isn't all in the corner. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:10:2001 01:01 AM: Jaha, by your previous post I'm assuming you have played shadyk before. Would you mind leaking out some of shady's play styles and what makes his mags so deadly? I'm interested in how he BEGINS his combos, like how to slip in that initial to start everything. What methods he uses to move in close to his opponents and how to stay safe from getting nailed by a aaa while in that zone. Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 01:02 AM: nah it wasnt a typo launch do not push up to sj very small pause and sj and airgrab with rh...if you do it right youll grab them at mid screen..thrown them down instead of forward you should land right after them and be real close follow up with a triangle jump from the backside or d lk lk assist if you see it done its a mean head game or if you do the fp grab right away do mag tempest DHC into storms hailstorm,,theres no mashing out of it either (if you have storm most people use that team) Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 05:10:2001 01:09 AM: Hey JaHa i like your gif and to answer your question well ya if your just standing there and call out captain commandom duh and you dont just call him out at any time either usually the best time is when they jump and also if you can anticipate dashes you can call him out and he wont get hit. Well lets see what you have to say about that? I still like like your Gif i used to use that guy in Shamuri Showdown 3 he was the shit! Posted by §inn on 05:10:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Jaha, by your previous post I'm assuming you have played shadyk before. Would you mind leaking out some of shady's play styles and what makes his mags so deadly? I'm interested in how he BEGINS his combos, like how to slip in that initial to start everything. What methods he uses to move in close to his opponents and how to stay safe from getting nailed by a aaa while in that zone. have you seen the video of him from ? it will help answer your questions im sure. Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by §inn have you seen the video of him from ? it will help answer your questions im sure. his mag got alot better from that last vid if you ask me he has more tricks traps and combos with diff assist characters like now instead of psy he uses thas nasty a mag without the help of psy Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 01:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry Hey JaHa i like your gif and to answer your question well ya if your just standing there and call out captain commandom duh and you dont just call him out at any time either usually the best time is when they jump and also if you can anticipate dashes you can call him out and he wont get hit. Well lets see what you have to say about that? I still like like your Gif i used to use that guy in Shamuri Showdown 3 he was the shit! thanx im glad u like it..but i dont think you know who were talkin about...he doesnt dash in and jump in blindly and his triangle jump is fast enuff to stop cap..and its fast enuff to go over Posted by ComboFighter on 05:10:2001 01:43 AM: Good rushdown Dash in, D + short, D + short, assit charater, Dash in and repeat. What you are trying to do is force the assit charater out in an attempt to hit you. The delayed D + shorts will stop all but one of the AAA. AAA are invinsible from standing and air attacks but low ground attack are another thing. When the assit comes out and you stopped them, launch + assit, Tempest. Then pick the assit up off the ground + assit, launch and Tempest. You can throw a Hyper Grav in there in hopes the oppenent stops blocking. Are there any videos of Shadyk and Combo Fiend on web so I can compare my skills to their's??? Posted by Wind on 05:10:2001 01:51 AM: Re: Good rushdown quote: Originally posted by ComboFighter Are there any videos of Shadyk and Combo Fiend on web so I can compare my skills to their's??? You can see ShadyK and Combo Fiend videos at: The Combo Fiend video is not with him using his rushdown team though. He's using Cable/doom/bh I believe. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:10:2001 03:06 AM: To whoever asked, yeah I have seen the videos, I respect the hell out of shadyk for that. If his mags has really gotten so much better as people say, shoryuken really needs to get his videos!! To ComboFighter, that method seems pretty unorthadox. I'll give it a shot, but from the looks of it, that method would require the opponent to have called the assist before you even got in the first lk, unless you do one lk and let them get out of blockstun and then one more lk. Again, rather unorthadox, seems odd to call assists between those times, but maybe it's something I've been overlooking all this time. One more thing, could I get some more insight on my original question. Posted by waldo98 on 05:10:2001 05:28 AM: Do you need a username and password to access to the videos on ? I tried going to that website earlier and it asked for a username and password. BTW, I was at work while I was trying to view the site. Posted by Wind on 05:10:2001 05:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by waldo98 Do you need a username and password to access to the videos on ? I tried going to that website earlier and it asked for a username and password. BTW, I was at work while I was trying to view the site. No, I think you clicked on the forums link. Just click on the "enter" link. Posted by ComboFighter on 05:10:2001 12:42 PM: You got it It's a method I found to work pretty good where I am. But yeah, you let them get out of the blockstun then throw another D + short. If they pushblock, since it's just the one hit you can easily dash back in and start it up again. You call your assit out when the kicks pushed you to far away to continue the poking. Dash in again while the assit is hitting and repeat. You are constantly up on them causing them to get aggrovated. They'll try to get you off them with an AAA or some assit. Since the D + short prevents the assit from pulling off their move, make them sorry for their mistake. Just remember there is only one AAA that can stop this. Posted by cheese_master on 05:10:2001 01:44 PM: Damn... lot of Magneto players. Well I got some questions and some stuff too. Well lets start with my questions... First I was wondering is there any consistent way to cancel your airdash when triangle jumping? Its a pain in the ass when I miscalculate my triangle jump or mistime the length of their blockstun and I see good CapCom come out and nail me. My second comes against Sentinel... I understand that he is weak to rushdown... but usually when I play against a Sentinel team... I either destroy them or he destroys me. If I fuck up once... I usually end up having Magneto and Psylocke dying... you think I should skip trying to use Magneto against him and use Storm (who I have a lot more success against him). Also any tips on rushing down Sentinel with Mag? Now some of the rushdown tricks I use. I like to use throwing for positioning. Use your throws to work them into the corner and resetting the combo meter. I like the fierce punch throw for this purpose because they cannot roll out of the corner. Another trick I like to use is triangle jumping and purposely whiffing the kick... so it doesn't blockstun them and then I grab them right away. Its a little tricky to get use to but works well. Also many people jump to block triangle jumps mixups... this allows you to have the option of dashing in underneath them and cross them up... or superjump into their character and grab them. Those are some of the tricks I like to use with Magneto. Posted by 707Represent on 05:10:2001 02:52 PM: Well the team i use when i wanna rushdown is Storm(projectile),Capcom(AA), mags(Projectile). Start mags on point throw storm projectile if they block high u can dash in hit with crouching short and go into the grav XX tempest. If they block low rush in a throw them..It works really good since storms projectile goes thru everything Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 04:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan To whoever asked, yeah I have seen the videos, I respect the hell out of shadyk for that. If his mags has really gotten so much better as people say, shoryuken really needs to get his videos!! To ComboFighter, that method seems pretty unorthadox. I'll give it a shot, but from the looks of it, that method would require the opponent to have called the assist before you even got in the first lk, unless you do one lk and let them get out of blockstun and then one more lk. Again, rather unorthadox, seems odd to call assists between those times, but maybe it's something I've been overlooking all this time. One more thing, could I get some more insight on my original question. shoryuken prolly wont show it theyre real bias in my opinion...all they do is juice up duc and alex theyre good but..but they make other good players look that one game duc vs the way it was shadys b day yesterday..say happy b day under matchmaking / nickel city Posted by Dasrik on 05:10:2001 05:56 PM: I'm not a top-tier player, but here's a suggestion on how to help your rushdown game: In casual play, don't use assists offensively. Real rushdown requires that you use your point character to do it, and if you don't have the option to clear a lot of space using an anti-air assist, ground Sentinel or whatnot, you're forced to find more ways in. So what to use assists for? If you're going to practice rushdown in this way, assists should be used to blow away your opponent's assist, so you can clear a path to your opponent. This takes care of the problem you mentioned. For example, if you can bait a Psylocke AAA out of a Magneto user, you can knock her away with Commando AAA. Don't worry about whether Commando hits Mags or not. The point is, Psylocke is taking a hit and getting blown across the room, extending the time you have to RTSD. Most basic AAAs (Cyke, Commando, Cammy) work well for this purpose, but a word of warning - Psylocke won't (she pretty much knocks the opponent flat on their back, sending them back out right away), and neither will non-antiair supplementary assists (Doom, Sentinel and the like). That's my advice. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:10:2001 11:05 PM: cheesemaster, Mags in my opinion does rather well against sentinel. Sents size makes him an easy target to rush, but as you said sents can make you pay for any mistakes. For tips, it's kinda hard, because you didn't make it too clear what type of sentinel is giving you problems. A sent/BH trap is a real bitch to punish and will really test your patience. A stomp happy sentinel will require you to mash on that aaa button like a madman, and just get out of there. For pointers on your own offence, try to do two lk's for every jump in. Or you could jump in with fp then rh to try to cleanly break sent's super armor. Sent is also a real sucker to throwing. In close, he doesn't have anything that can get you out safely outside of a possible assist. Most sent players are well aware of this and will usually block and hope for the best if a mag or storm gets in close. So, once in a while, screw trying to open him up for a big combo and just throw him. Posted by ShadyK on 05:10:2001 11:09 PM: I think you guys are overhyping me! Don't be upset if like I get taken out by some scrubs at B5 or something heh heh. Well, I'm just gonna throw out some Magneto tips. Magneto/Psylocke - Your worst fights are gonna be: Cable/Commando or Cyclops Sentinel/any AAA The thing with Mag/Psylocke against the above teams is that you have to work like 10 times harder than the other person to do any damage. I don't have any solid strategies against Cable/Cyke except hope to get one Psylocke assist in > c. short > c. roundhouse, hypergrav, snapback Cyclops or Commando or if Cable's low on life, tempest. Also, Cable in the corner is your best position since he can't jumpback and make Cyclops/Commando come out fullscreen distance (I HATE that shit). Try to throw Cable while he's in the corner. One throw means death for Cable since you can basically do anything you want to him. I recommend c. short, c. roundhouse xx hypergrav xx tempest. If he mashes out, he's still in the corner and you can still do shit to him without him running away. I find it easier to beat Cable/Commando with Cyclops since Cyclops wont be eating Corridors as much as Psylocke does, plus, Cyclops comes out at more of an angle than Psylocke and has less of a chance of eating AHVBs. Only drawback is you dont have c. short, c. roundhouse options. Sent is pretty hard to fight against especially with Sents that sj. fierce your ass everytime you try to get in. Basically you have to hope your fierce xx roundhouse will beat out his sj. fierce. Do NOT stay on the ground, Magneto's 2 chain ground attacks are useless. Try to play a left/right game with your assist on Sent (again, I think Cyclops is alot better for this than Psylocke) and also wait for Sent to do stupid moves like a rocket punch (you can dash in c. short, c. fierce a whiffed rocket punch) or sj. dash down fierce xx rh a whiffed HSF. Magneto/Doom - This is my new team I'm working on and it's been doing pretty well (ESPECIALLY on Commando bastards) Pretty much make them eat rocks while you triangle jump the hell out of them and hope to get a tempest combo or pressure them into the corner. I really think this team will destroy and Commando team unless it's Strider/Doom/Commando. Hehe. And usually I have Mag/Cable/Doom since Cable's AAA will help me get Storm off my ass (Yes you can use Doom, but alot of times, she'll come down on you with fierce xx rh thinking you'll call Doom.. but, she'll eat a scimitar up her ass instead). Well that's all I can think of right now. Lates. Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 11:53 PM: yea yea ok your still gettin your birthday punches..i been puttin less time at the arcade and more in the gym Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:12:2001 03:52 AM: Tips for getting in on people please. I find this is the most important part of rushdown. If you can get in and stay there while still maintaining the offense, the game is yours. Please share your tactics....Refer to my first post in this thread for a more drawn out description. Posted by Sword_Saint on 05:12:2001 06:48 AM: I also got a question Tri jumping. I recently got into using 'neto figuring to get in to rush down alittle bit more. My question is whats the timing on tri jumping? Everytime i do it, it just seems really slow to me. Is it a speed thing or simply used for its overhead properties. Posted by Wind on 05:12:2001 07:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sword_Saint I also got a question Tri jumping. I recently got into using 'neto figuring to get in to rush down alittle bit more. My question is whats the timing on tri jumping? Everytime i do it, it just seems really slow to me. Is it a speed thing or simply used for its overhead properties. Are you doing the triangle jump from a superjump? Because that's what makes it so effective and fast. Do a superjump and immediately cancel with an airdash d/f at the guy. It just takes practise. Posted by §inn on 05:12:2001 01:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Tips for getting in on people please. I find this is the most important part of rushdown. If you can get in and stay there while still maintaining the offense, the game is yours. Please share your tactics....Refer to my first post in this thread for a more drawn out description. the object of most top tier teams in mvc2 is keep away. Therefore they're doing everything they can to not let you get in. Ask yourself, whats stopping you from staying inside? Then target that. If its assists then bait out assists and let em have it or go after the point char. In most cases it will be assists, e.g. capcom, doom, BH, etc. Take any snapback opportunities you can get to bring out the weak link. Capcom, cyclops, BH are great chars to bring out as they are mainly assist. Add an assist like cammy, ken, capcom, jin to your team so that when you see their assist you can knock it away with yours and quickly attack the point char. 1on1 is bliss for chars like mag and storm. jus a few ideas Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:12:2001 04:12 PM: My team is Mag/storm/Psy. Deadly as hell if you get into the flow, but if you are kept out the entire game you don't stand a chance. I have little motivation to change up my aaa. I find psylocke makes mags a deadlier character than anyone else in the game possibly could. Ok, I don't think I'm going to get anymore input on the old question. So, let me ask you all a different one. Punishing assists with mags. Other than doing a snapback on both point and assist, what is the best way to finish off an assist should the opportunity present itself? The only way I can think of is one previously posted by me. Which is to launch assist do a short AC of choice, tempest and dhc to hailstorm. This is kind of a waste of supers, the only time I ever use it is to switch out a weakened magneto and want to get in a little extra damage. The reason I say this is a waste of supers is because of the poor damage that it deals. Approximately only 30 percent(never tested this) of damage for 2 supers, not worth it. If someone is an expert of snapbacks on both point and assist, drop some tips for that as well. It seems all like a guessing game, and not one you'll likely win. When is the best time to pop one out? with a relatively high percentage of landing. Posted by §inn on 05:12:2001 09:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan My team is Mag/storm/Psy. Deadly as hell if you get into the flow, but if you are kept out the entire game you don't stand a chance. I have little motivation to change up my aaa. I find psylocke makes mags a deadlier character than anyone else in the game possibly could. Ok, I don't think I'm going to get anymore input on the old question. So, let me ask you all a different one. Punishing assists with mags. Other than doing a snapback on both point and assist, what is the best way to finish off an assist should the opportunity present itself? The only way I can think of is one previously posted by me. Which is to launch assist do a short AC of choice, tempest and dhc to hailstorm. This is kind of a waste of supers, the only time I ever use it is to switch out a weakened magneto and want to get in a little extra damage. The reason I say this is a waste of supers is because of the poor damage that it deals. Approximately only 30 percent(never tested this) of damage for 2 supers, not worth it. If someone is an expert of snapbacks on both point and assist, drop some tips for that as well. It seems all like a guessing game, and not one you'll likely win. When is the best time to pop one out? with a relatively high percentage of landing. psy could work in hitting assists but she doesnt knock them as far away so you dont have as much time 1on1. as for punishing assists with magneto, well hes the best at it, or 2nd best behind cable. its simple... if you have an opportunity to hurt an assist you dash up launch xx tempest, they will fall into it and it does hella damage. Their point char will usually also get caught by rocks and be pinned giving you the opportunity to launch the assist again by cr. lk, launch xx tempest. After taking 2 tempests they're usually phucked reaaallly bad if not dead. try this out, you could also dhc to storm if you see the point char trying to make a move. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:13:2001 04:09 PM: I've tried that before, the assist usually bounces away. Where in the tempest do you have to catch them, or does that not matter? If that works, it would do insane damage. This is one area of magneto I don't know much about, could I get some more detail. Posted by SinfestBoy on 05:13:2001 05:09 PM: RUSH THE MUSH! Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:14:2001 12:54 PM: A nice way to punish assists is to launch them, hk, air dash df, d+lk, hk(this hk should keep their point character pinned or at least irritate him), dash in and the, c.hp should keep their point in block stun), c.hp XX tempest. Their point can't do anything much if he doesn't react in time because the moment you launch his assist, you're already air dashing back down at him. The tempest also comes out in his face so it prevents him from countering it easily. You can throw in an AAA during the c.hp if you want to make it even safer. Just wait for the assist to land,, c.hp XX tempest again and they should be dead. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:14:2001 10:52 PM: Nate, wow that's pretty crazy! I'm definitely going to use the rh and chase part from now on. But, about the lk, rh part, doesn't that cause the assist to do some really odd stuff, or since assists don't have flying screens it still works? Also, doesn't it require the point to be right where you are and always in front of you? Your method seems pretty lengthy and I don't see anyone waiting around for all this to happen to their assist and sit around waiting for it all to stop. Anyways, I'll give it a shot and thanks for the suggestion, keep them coming... Posted by Saint Eva on 05:14:2001 11:12 PM: Hey, nice thread. Very helpful to me, as I just started learning MvC2 and, more importantly, how to RTSD. I have a couple of Magneto rushdown questions. Let's say I get in close to my opponent and he's blocking. A lot. Now, to mix things up I decide to do some triangle jumping or whatever. Do you guys mix up between cross up triangle jump and jump in triangle jump? I can triangle (super) jump very low to the ground and also very fast. It seems the knowledge of the ability to mash out of the tempest combo has hurt a (small) part of Mags' game and people have been discovering new things like using assists to set up unmashable, hyper grav-less tempest combos and whatnot. I've been hearing a lot about his launch, sj. HK, airdash D/F, [insert combo here]. My question is: what is the purpose of this new combo (could someone describe this combo in detail for me?) and how do you follow it up? Can/Do you follow with even more rushdown, etc. ? Thanks for your help, in advance. Posted by ComboFighter on 05:15:2001 03:28 AM: Mag combo Saint eva, yeah mix the Tri. jumps up. You do whatever it takes to get that first hit to start his combo. The launch, super jump, FK, dash D/F, SK, SK, then launch them again is a combo that people found out to add more damage to his AC since the tempest can be mashed out of. The whole combo is Tri. jump, short->short, land, dash in, c.short + Psy assist->c.short, Psy comes out and hits them, c.short(OTG)->c.roundhouse->hyper grav, c.fierce, super jump, sj.roundhouse->dash D/F, (wait about 1/2 sec) sj.short->sj.short, land, c.fierce, super jump, and do whatever air combo you want. There other threads I sure if you want to learn his entire AC. If you get good enough, your opponet will never touch the ground again once you've gotten started. Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:15:2001 04:33 AM: KusanagiClan, The best time to snapback---->Helper infinite is when they come to attack you after they have called their helper out. For instance, when Mags or Storm is harassing the crap outta someone, they will call in their AAA to defend themselves. At this point you will most likely block the assist, and they will most likely start an offense, usually by jumping or running at you. This is the best time to Snapback the point character while the helper is still on the screen. I find this VERY useful against Sent players. This almost never works against Cable being that Cable is always running away. Also, I stopped using Psylocke and Cyclops with Mag/Storm. I think ppl only use them because players like Duc, and Valle, used them first, and they are known to be trend starters. Anyways, I think Mag/Storm are so much better with either Sent-y or Doom-b backing them up. If you think Mag/Psy rushdown is good, then wait til you see Mag/Sent or Doom rushdown! Mag/Sent(Doom) can also play a little keep-away game. Plus, Doom and Sent are way better characters than Psy. Here's a cool combo with Mag/Storm.... c.short, c.fierce + Storm-A, xx airdash d/f, hk, land, (Storm hits), dash, c.short, c.fierce.....combo of choice. Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:15:2001 04:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Saint Eva Hey, nice thread. Very helpful to me, as I just started learning MvC2 and, more importantly, how to RTSD. I have a couple of Magneto rushdown questions. Let's say I get in close to my opponent and he's blocking. A lot. Now, to mix things up I decide to do some triangle jumping or whatever. Do you guys mix up between cross up triangle jump and jump in triangle jump? I can triangle (super) jump very low to the ground and also very fast. It seems the knowledge of the ability to mash out of the tempest combo has hurt a (small) part of Mags' game and people have been discovering new things like using assists to set up unmashable, hyper grav-less tempest combos and whatnot. I've been hearing a lot about his launch, sj. HK, airdash D/F, [insert combo here]. My question is: what is the purpose of this new combo (could someone describe this combo in detail for me?) and how do you follow it up? Can/Do you follow with even more rushdown, etc. ? Thanks for your help, in advance. The alternative to launching them a second time is to simply do (1st hit) XX Shockwave. So the combo goes..... c.short, c.fierce, sj.rh XX airdash d/f, short, short, land, s.rh XX Shockwave. Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:15:2001 04:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan I've tried that before, the assist usually bounces away. Where in the tempest do you have to catch them, or does that not matter? If that works, it would do insane damage. This is one area of magneto I don't know much about, could I get some more detail. Just do c.fierce XX Tempest. The assist will fall right into the Tempest. Afterwards just run in and OTG the helper. You're probably doing too slow. Unfortunately, no one is stupid enough to let this happen to their assist, so don't think Mag is a helper killer like Cable is. All the top-tier characters can escape this. Posted by G-Blodia on 05:15:2001 06:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Yeah, I don't need anti-rushdown tactics. I've got plenty of my own. I just want people's inputs on how to make good rushdown even better.... Use a wave rush You know know how, right?? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:15:2001 09:26 AM: I'm curious as to what others do after the opponent pushblocks. This seems to throw off my air spacing, so I usually end up using a ground dash at this point. Is there a better way? Also, any tips on rushing angles for Rogue would be appreciated, as I'm starting to learn her. Obviously the dive kick angles, anything else? -DFA Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:15:2001 02:55 PM: Erhmmm... Since I guess there will be lots of Mag/Storm players in here, I thought I'd just add a little tip. You can call Storm projectile assist and immediately do a hk throw with Magneto. Mag will throw them onto the wind and you can just dash in and do a c.hp for a midscreen throw that's unescapable too. Anyway, Realplayer, would you mind elaborating a little on Mag/Sent? I'm starting to prefer Mag/Doom now because as ShadyK adviced, Doom stops CapCom. But what's so special about Mag/Sent? I've never seen that combination used well before. What makes it so special? Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:15:2001 06:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Erhmmm... Since I guess there will be lots of Mag/Storm players in here, I thought I'd just add a little tip. You can call Storm projectile assist and immediately do a hk throw with Magneto. Mag will throw them onto the wind and you can just dash in and do a c.hp for a midscreen throw that's unescapable too. Anyway, Realplayer, would you mind elaborating a little on Mag/Sent? I'm starting to prefer Mag/Doom now because as ShadyK adviced, Doom stops CapCom. But what's so special about Mag/Sent? I've never seen that combination used well before. What makes it so special? Mag/Sent is basically the same as Mag/Doom. I only prefer Sent over Doom because Sent is better IMO when he's left by himself. Anyways, Magneto + a slow moving assist is terror! Here are some differences in between Sent and Doom assists..... 1. Doom will take out CapCom whereas Sent will not. 2. Doom does more block damage. 3. Sents drones produce a longer hit-stun, making it easier to combo off of. Sent also juggles for a longer period of time, whereas Doom juggles for a shorter period of time. 4. Sents Drones hit harder than Dooms rocks. That's all I can think of now. Basically, my team (Mag/Storm/Sent) follows the formula of pixie + lingering assist. It really doesn't matter if you pick Doom or Sent, its just a matter of preference. Mag/Sent or Mag/Doom both get the job done. BTW Nate, to combo helpers with throws, do you call out the helper first then throw, or press hk + assist at the same time? Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:16:2001 12:08 AM: I'm pretty sure you have to call assist first, since throwing isn't like an actual hit, the animation required for a throw most likely won't allow it. Just my assumption. G-Blodia, the term is wave dash, and yes I do "know know" about it. Actually, I think I saw ShadyK using sentinel and magneto together. He had a pretty funky sentinel/bh trap variation using mag's projectile assist. What else, push blocking. I don't see anything wrong with doing a ground dash, as you haven't really given away any momentum, the opponent will probably be in defensive mode still. Although if you are using rogue and having your "kiss" move being pushblocked I can see how that will work against you. But from the one or two character widths between characters, your opponent has no edge over you, but has simply relieved the pressure a bit. Being a rushdown character that space will be closed in the blink of an eye, just reach into your bag of triangle jumps, throws and other such things. Anyone else have any queries about rushdown, I've run out of questions, although I'm sure I have plenty to ask. Posted by ShadyK on 05:16:2001 12:35 AM: IMO, Mag/Doom is hella different than Mag/Sent. Mag/Doom is more like drop Doom on their ass and rush them the fuck down hoping to get a good hypertempest combo in. Mag/Sent is like calling Sent and then jumping over and hoping drones will hit so you can launch em. I use Mag/Sent/Psylocke for this since I have the option to use either Sentinel drones or Psylocke assist to setup the 'options'. Plus, Sent/Psylocke is hella good for Sent rushdown. Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:16:2001 12:50 AM: Yeah that's what I mean. Call in Sent or Doom to facilitate Magneto's combo set-ups. Personally, I think Sent/Psylocke is very prone to get snapbacked, leading to Psylockes death. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:16:2001 01:47 AM: Ok, I thought of another good question to ask. The team of Mag/Storm/Psy, name all the guard breaks that you know of for this team. And list difficulty, general timing, etc for each. Mag's own guard break is, sj.rh(or lk?), airdash d/f, lk, lk, land, and launch. Don't know the timing, haven't seriously tried doing this. I'd say this is above average for difficutly. And could someone clarify if the first blocked hit should be an rh or lk? Psylocke aaa, and launch is also a guard break I believe. Any timing recommendations for this one would also be appreciated. This seemingly is pretty easy, although the lag between the psylocke call and the time when she actually appears and reaches the guard break point is pretty tricky. I THINK that storm can throw a vertical typhoon and it guard breaks, I've never tried or seen this done. But I believe I heard someone say it before. Posted by Wind on 05:16:2001 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShadyK IMO, Mag/Doom is hella different than Mag/Sent. Mag/Doom is more like drop Doom on their ass and rush them the fuck down hoping to get a good hypertempest combo in. Mag/Sent is like calling Sent and then jumping over and hoping drones will hit so you can launch em. I use Mag/Sent/Psylocke for this since I have the option to use either Sentinel drones or Psylocke assist to setup the 'options'. Plus, Sent/Psylocke is hella good for Sent rushdown. Hey ShadyK, can you go more in depth with your Mag/Doom strats and combos? BTW, do you know what's up with Clockwork's site? Did it move or something? Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 04:51 AM: yeah where is clockworks site? use dooms assist to holdem down and attack a hole. high,low,back, and front and if the assist hits they go in the air and you can combo off of that use it to lock down especially in the corner and use it when you can go over em for more lockdown and chip DAM THAT SHADY!!!!!!! Posted by Wind on 05:16:2001 06:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa yeah where is clockworks site? use dooms assist to holdem down and attack a hole. high,low,back, and front and if the assist hits they go in the air and you can combo off of that use it to lock down especially in the corner and use it when you can go over em for more lockdown and chip DAM THAT SHADY!!!!!!! So basically use doom to keep them locked down so you can triangle jump or whatever to open them up? Thanks a lot Posted by JaHa on 05:16:2001 06:55 AM: roight roight ur welcome Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:16:2001 03:07 PM: Hey REALPLAYER, the throw to assist thingie is what was said earlier. You basically just tap the assist button and then punch in quick succession. For the Mag/Storm one it has to be rather fast. As for guardbreaking, the most reliable one seems to be j.lp+Psylocke. Its a sure guardbreak... but then again... you must have Psylocke. Mag's solo guardbreak can be done either starting with a hk or a lk. Lk is easier since it keeps them in less block stun. The timing has to be precise though or you'll just sj over them like an idiot. Anyway, I'm not really sure about the Mag/Sent thingie too. I use Storm's projectile and they seem pretty much the same. Are there any nice tricks for Mag/Sent? I guess my new team would either be Mag/Cable/Doom or Mag/Storm/Doom now. I still can't make up my mind. Doom seems much better than Sent to me though. Storm/Doom or Doom/Storm just seems much better. My Sentinel kinda sucks shit. So just a few questions... what are you guys' ways of using Doom? I usually try to cover the gap in between Doom's rocks and triangle jump the moment he fires them off. Is it better this way or should I just leave the gap in between? Also, it seems rather weird when you try to cross them up if Doom's rocks hit. Sometimes you end up going under them but facing the wrong direction. Any tips there? Letting the stick go back to neutral seems to help alot, but I wanna know if there are any other ways. Thanx in advance. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:16:2001 06:28 PM: Do you guys remember that thing about where strider sends doom and teleports to the other side without doing any attacks? There was a lot of debate about this a month or so ago. It was settled that it was blockable but you would block as if doom assist was point, does the same principle apply to a midscreen airdash over the opponents head leaving doom on the other side? I assume that it should work the same. Almost any assist works like that, but doom's gives off very slow hits. I haven't bothered trying this out, could someone confirm this for me. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:16:2001 10:56 PM: Nate, could you explain the j.lp and psylocke guard break a little more. I always thought that psylocke is the one that does the guard breaking. So, you jump and lp to guard break and psylocke does the actual hit and you otg that? Does the lp even reach that high? Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:17:2001 06:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Nate, could you explain the j.lp and psylocke guard break a little more. I always thought that psylocke is the one that does the guard breaking. So, you jump and lp to guard break and psylocke does the actual hit and you otg that? Does the lp even reach that high? Yeah. That works fine. Its basically you hitting them with a jab when you jump and Psylocke will do her assist right after their blockstun animation ends. Its the most reliable guardbreak Magneto has IMHO. If you're quick enough, you can throw in an extra mp after the lp just in case they take the hit. If a new character is coming in and you jump TOWARDS and hit the lp+Psylocke, it'll not only guardbreak but Psylocke will actually even be a crossup. So they may still get hit even if they take the jab. I think in midscreen, calling Psylocke to hit a jump blocking opponent and then dashing right to where they are about to land and launching them works. I can't remember exactly but I know I've done this before quite a few times. Posted by cheese_master on 05:17:2001 08:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Yeah. That works fine. Its basically you hitting them with a jab when you jump and Psylocke will do her assist right after their blockstun animation ends. Its the most reliable guardbreak Magneto has IMHO. If you're quick enough, you can throw in an extra mp after the lp just in case they take the hit. If a new character is coming in and you jump TOWARDS and hit the lp+Psylocke, it'll not only guardbreak but Psylocke will actually even be a crossup. So they may still get hit even if they take the jab. I think in midscreen, calling Psylocke to hit a jump blocking opponent and then dashing right to where they are about to land and launching them works. I can't remember exactly but I know I've done this before quite a few times. That is exactly the way I use the Psy guard break... but I do Mag j lk cuz it has more range. To avoid an OTG (so they don't have a chance to roll)... I usually lk+Psylocke then hk hypergrav... but make sure you have got this guard break down consistently... cuz if it doesn't g.break them... both Psylocke and Mag are dead. I use Psy and IM in the same way. This IM's most dangerous way to start to the infinite. Now I got some questions. First Storm's cross up trick... I know you air dash d/f after the 1,4,1,4 magic series... then which way do I lightning attack and which way do I do the lightning storm? I only get the lightning attack sometimes... but never the lightning storm. To make it easier for some one to explain it to me... hypothetically say my Storm is on the left side when she does the magic series. Next question is an extension of my question about rushing Sentinel, CapCom, BH. Usually I really don't have any way to protect Psylocke against Sentinel with my Magneto... because if I do call her out and try to super jump... Sentinel pins me back down with CapCom and then HSF the life out of Psylocke. The Sentinels I play usually use alot of Sent, BH trap and pins in the corner with some variation of the Sent/CapCom trap. They also stomp the shit out of me. The other team my Magneto has problems with is Sentinel, Doom, CapCom. This team encompasses a lot of flying stomps to keep me pinned in Doom's rocks. I have the utmost difficulty superjumping anytime before Doom leaves and Sent is back on the ground getting ready to set up some variation of his trap again. I know these aren't that much rushdown questions... but I was wondering how you guys deal with the stuff with Mag/Storm/Psy with Mag at point. Also rushdown pointers on Sent/CapCom would be helpful... I don't know why everyone says Cable/CapCom is Mag's worst match up... I find Sent/Cap more difficult because Sent's quick hard hits and his incredible jumping speed. Last question... what possible weaknesses do you see in my new team... my new Mag team I am developing is Mag, Sent, CapCom. I find this team works well against most top teams. I find CapCom a good guard breaker for Mag and useful confusion tactic. Mag/Capcom also allows Mag to knock out their assist and rush them down one on one... this Magneto's advantage against almost any character except direct Mag counters (i.e. Colossus). Sent/CapCom is a good rushdown team itself and their trap works effectively against Cable (though it is a lot of work). Mag's Proj assist... is a quick safe way of comboing their assists into the HSF infinite. Even CapCom/Sent is a descent team. Thats all for now... sorry if I asked an ass load... but I really want to master Mag rushdown to the level my Storm is at. I think Mag is easily my deadliest rushdown character against most teams except for the Sent teams above. But Storm is by far my most consistent rushdown character. Thanks ahead of time. Posted by UCLAHoe on 05:17:2001 08:51 AM: hey guys, i play with peter aka combofiend many times and we're pretty good friends but u guys miss 2 major ways of stomping on AAA minded turtles. remember... top players, i mean the very top here in southern cali knows the best rushdown (combo fiend, alex valle, soo mighty, etc) beats the best turtle (duc, nyte, hahah me) cause the rushdown guys like peter especially, knows the regular cheezy aaa patterns so he controls the battle, has the initiative to throw. and plus he's got assist of his own to dish out. - man u guys NOT in southern cali is missing out. like peter got his ironman to crazy insane level now. case in point against duc in the james tourney. his ironman pissed duc off so bad that he started mashing on the infinite (ironman can rush down like mad with triangle jump)and made the whole arcade machine shake. man that was soo funny watching that shit. duc only mashed at the end of the infinite when combofiend finishes infinite into super cannon but he didn't mess up. what's worse.... guarenteed guard break pretty much. so duc got pissed the most getting guard break by ironman into infinite AGAIN so he either not block, or push block, mind games to throw off peter's timing.... heheh so its cool that pete dog adjust too cause he use psylocke as assist and that's automatic guard break cause she guard breaks if you block or pushblock and hits you for perfect set up if you don't block. man it was nasty! and with the aggressive rushdown peter plays, guys get into corner in no time. as for rushdown... peter just entice u to AAA first and then punish you. how? why not jump in there with mag or whatever or dash and just block cause u know aaa is coming... once aaa is out, do your thing! its not too bad, requires patience and skill also like storm just float down slowly and ready to block aaa, once block rush down from air and with your assist do the beat down. so hope it helped. Posted by cheese_master on 05:17:2001 09:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by UCLAHoe hey guys, i play with peter aka combofiend many times and we're pretty good friends but u guys miss 2 major ways of stomping on AAA minded turtles. remember... top players, i mean the very top here in southern cali knows the best rushdown (combo fiend, alex valle, soo mighty, etc) beats the best turtle (duc, nyte, hahah me) cause the rushdown guys like peter especially, knows the regular cheezy aaa patterns so he controls the battle, has the initiative to throw. and plus he's got assist of his own to dish out. - man u guys NOT in southern cali is missing out. like peter got his ironman to crazy insane level now. case in point against duc in the james tourney. his ironman pissed duc off so bad that he started mashing on the infinite (ironman can rush down like mad with triangle jump)and made the whole arcade machine shake. man that was soo funny watching that shit. duc only mashed at the end of the infinite when combofiend finishes infinite into super cannon but he didn't mess up. what's worse.... guarenteed guard break pretty much. so duc got pissed the most getting guard break by ironman into infinite AGAIN so he either not block, or push block, mind games to throw off peter's timing.... heheh so its cool that pete dog adjust too cause he use psylocke as assist and that's automatic guard break cause she guard breaks if you block or pushblock and hits you for perfect set up if you don't block. man it was nasty! and with the aggressive rushdown peter plays, guys get into corner in no time. as for rushdown... peter just entice u to AAA first and then punish you. how? why not jump in there with mag or whatever or dash and just block cause u know aaa is coming... once aaa is out, do your thing! its not too bad, requires patience and skill also like storm just float down slowly and ready to block aaa, once block rush down from air and with your assist do the beat down. so hope it helped. I'm getting my IM to that level too. I find that he can easily be a bitch with infinite into the PC into guardbreaking the next char. But why was Duc getting pissed at getting caught in the IM infinite... cuz it like getting hit by a AHVB x 3... then guard broken again. I also would think Duc should be happy he played Pete's IM cuz it is good practice for him because White's IM is gonna be a bitch for him to play if he doesn't learn how to keep IM away. If I were Pete... I would have a uncomboed the infinite if someone's ass starts mashing to shake the machine. And damn straight rushdown rules. Oh... I forgot... to ask are any of those top guys coming down to MidWests? I PMed ShadyK and asked him but he never responded. What about Combo F., SooMighty, and Viscant? I know Duc, Ricky, and Valle are. My trip to B5 solely depends on how I do at MidWests. Posted by UCLAHoe on 05:17:2001 11:12 PM: shadyK is alright player but definitely i don't go WOW over his game. from this string of posts... he was right, he getting alot of attention and praise which is cool. the difference between getting hit by peter's IM infinite vs AHVB times 3 is that peter can kill your WHOLE team when he infinites you, takes out your point guy 100 percent life (infinite into cannon super, no need to have the IM anti-air move in between which causes alot of players to miss the cannon super), and then guard break, kill your second character straight out, guard break and kill your third. that does WAY more than any cable AHVB times whatever. that's why Duc's pissed. Peter backs up his nickname COMBOfiend, and Duc can't do the solid IM infinite in competition and don't miss when doing the inifinite like Pete. So definite out here in Cali, balance of power is changing hands. And Duc is sore loser so he can't handle people other than Alex being better than him. By the way, White's IM is good but u gotta come to B5 regardless even as a spectator and check out combofiend's IM... madness and unfair is two words that come to mind. Also look closely at the results of the next golfland tourney here in orange county, cali... and watch the results. i'm hoping to see peter and alex in the final, where so far no one is aggressive enough to rush down alex's sentinel and peter can. thing is alex never fought peter with his sentinel/BH/cammando team, refuse to cause you figure out the reason. and u know in terms of pure rushdown potential... storm or magneto with aaa can outrush a sentinel with any assist. that will be the highlight of the next tourney. Japanese players... hope they improve ALOT ALOT cause we also improve since B4. I'm not giving them much hope really. finally, try teaming magneto with cyclops... peter got this textbook magneto rushdown that involves combo into cyclop assist and while other guy gets hit by the assist, magneto goes into hyper grab and super...OUCH... usually in the corner for more OTG action. heheh finally finally, there are very few two character wonders in MvC2 (players that are just damn GOOD with 2 characters) cause one character gods don't cut it in this game. respect SooMighty's storm (wow, a hardcore rushdown storm!) and his magneto, peter got his storm/magneto/IM/other usual character good, not kick ass as previous three plus cyclops assist or whatever, Duc is damn good with cable and maybe spiral. still spiral dies to rushdown and u know cable... u can only get so good with it. late Posted by UCLAHoe on 05:17:2001 11:16 PM: oh yeah, combofiend is not about to uncombo anything especially on Duc... those two got a real rivalry going and its not pretty. Duc openly dissed Peter in front of other people and its ugly. also, peter's IM got a million set ups into infinite with or without assist and his triangle jump with IM is DAMN.... late Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:18:2001 01:54 AM: UCLAHoe, it's good to have someone like you who is able to play amongst the best to tell us how things are going. You mentioned how those guys were great at baiting assists and taking full advantage. That was the main reason why I started this thread, if you could, please go more indepth on this topic. What do they do and avoid doing when trying to get that assist to come out? And what do they follow it up with? I'm most interested in baiting cyclops or psylocke assists in my favour. As everyone knows those two assists land infront of the point and act as a shield of sorts. Share with us all how and what they tend to do in these situations where they have their assist intact and are waiting to mug the opponent. Do they punish the assist or go straight for the point? Posted by UCLAHoe on 05:18:2001 02:03 AM: well u gotta understand that top players excel because they can react, and predict. predict as in you know other guy will panic for aaa in a rushdown anytime a good magneto/storm is flying close, so u can just momentarily dash in and just block, chances are he go aaa.. if he comitts, a world of option open up and u can figure all that out. if he don't, good player have the ability to grab (that hono magneto grab lol) before other guy can react and throw assist cause grab is priority over assit. finally, many times understand block stun where u attack so hard (make him block with your point attack or assist contact) that he can't call out assist. that works in rushdown favor. that's why psylocke and cyclops assist is so good cause it hits 3 times at least ane while block a good magneto can pressure with low jab kick on ground or high triangle jumps. when u can get free combos + throws on opponenets simply because they don't know if to block high or low cause u have the ability to strike fast high or low, then u will have a damn good magneto. cause serious i go doom/BH/cable turtle style and i get raped by damn good magnetos who close in on me and force me to block high or low take your pick. also top players here have a feel of when assist will come out and its just a gift that takes alot of practice i wish i have it and i don't hope that helps. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:18:2001 02:31 AM: UCLA, I understand that the tactics used by the pros can't just be stolen but have to be learned. You answered the first part of my question very well. But you just assumed I would know what to do for the second part of my question. Which is how they deal with the 'shield' that the assist provides. A dash in is totally useless, because you'll just be pushing at the assist, unable to penetrate to do anything to the point. Do they usually go for the triangle jump then? which from the distance that the assist creates lessens the surprise factor of the whole triangle jump. There is a short period that the point can't call an assist again, is this the moment that the likes of combofiend will go to work, (pump out a series of triangle jumps, dash in low shorts, etc)? Or do they go all out as soon as they see the assist wasted? If it is the latter, again, how do they approach the point without seeming too obvious and most importantly getting around the wasted assist doing their taunt. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:19:2001 05:12 PM: bump... Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:20:2001 03:49 AM: Can someone confirm if it is possible to do any guardbreaks with mag/storm/psy out side of the corner? I've tried, but it seems as if I can't get close enough to follow up with anything after doing the guard break. Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:20:2001 05:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan Can someone confirm if it is possible to do any guardbreaks with mag/storm/psy out side of the corner? I've tried, but it seems as if I can't get close enough to follow up with anything after doing the guard break. Hey you could try calling Psylocke to hit them while they're jumping. If they blocked it and are relatively high, dash in to where they are about to land and launch. This can guardbreak them in mid-screen. They have to be high when the block Psylocke though. Anyway... anyone has any tips on Mag teams vs Strider/Doom? I lost 5 times in a row to my friend who was using that shit. I really couldn't do anything but wait for him to mess up... And he doesn't mess up. He usually starts the round by doing whatever and activating orbs. By the time that ends, he's already built another meter. If not he'll just call a few more tigers or birds and do orbs again. I can't run forever with Magneto and Psylocke just plain knocks him down. Not very useful. What tips do you guys have? I know a perfect Strider/Doom is close to unstoppable. But I'm sure there's something I can do to at least try to hurt his Strider! Posted by /V\agneto on 05:20:2001 03:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Hey you could try calling Psylocke to hit them while they're jumping. If they blocked it and are relatively high, dash in to where they are about to land and launch. This can guardbreak them in mid-screen. They have to be high when the block Psylocke though. Anyway... anyone has any tips on Mag teams vs Strider/Doom? I lost 5 times in a row to my friend who was using that shit. I really couldn't do anything but wait for him to mess up... And he doesn't mess up. He usually starts the round by doing whatever and activating orbs. By the time that ends, he's already built another meter. If not he'll just call a few more tigers or birds and do orbs again. I can't run forever with Magneto and Psylocke just plain knocks him down. Not very useful. What tips do you guys have? I know a perfect Strider/Doom is close to unstoppable. But I'm sure there's something I can do to at least try to hurt his Strider! well if storm is on your mag team, then you already have the strider/ doom foe. runaway storm is strider/ doom's main weakness flying up and dropping typhoons will fuxor them up. and they really cant get you down, if the have capcom however as the assist, then your gonna have to wait patiently w/ mags and try to land a snapback to get their aaa out. if you see strider about to start the orbs, then superjump and stay up as long as possible, (with mag you might throw a tempest while you're up there) just a few ideas Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:20:2001 08:25 PM: Ok, jab into psylocke aaa works as a guard break outside of the corner. The reason I couldn't get it before was because i was jumping at an angle and pushing the opponent too far away. Jumping straight up and down or at a very small angle does the job. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:21:2001 07:29 PM: Here's a crappy guardbreak with psylocke as point and mags on capture assist. Call Mags early jump and jab opponent at peak of jump, the hypergrav catches as their guard breaks. This has to be during actual match, because hypergrav never materializes if there's no opponent onscreen. So, can't snapback or as the opponent is coming in. Posted by gutabo on 05:21:2001 08:38 PM: How do you do Mags/Psy guardbreak? do you press lp and assist at the same time? Timing, please? Posted by granite on 05:21:2001 09:27 PM: someone mentioned earlier, Jaha i believe that Shady's mags is fast enough to stop capcom .. how is this beging done, is mags triangle jump with rh hitting the assist/the point or what? or is mags doing a high/cross over triangle jump so as to avoid capcom completely? need to know since capcom consistently gives my mags problems. Posted by cheese_master on 05:21:2001 09:46 PM: To everyone, I have been experimenting with Magneto, Sentinel, and Hulk... I'm not bullshitting... this team isn't that bad. I'm finding more and more Mag/Hulk seem to work very well more Magneto's rushdown... this is just an experiment so it does have its drawbacks but I was wondering what people have to say about these two. I find that Magneto has many more throw mix ups off of Hulk... Hulk's dash assist blockstuns long enough for Mag to safely rushdown and triangle a long time. With this team their are many options to punish assists. j RH into Hulk into the tempest does plenty, THCs work well too. When Hulk is on point with some supers and Sentinel backing him up... he is half descent against most except maybe Cable. Hulk can also trap like a son of a bitch in the corner with Sent's assist and 5 supers. Sentinel is great by him self or with Hulk acting like a pseudo anti rushdown assist. I wouldn't play this squad in the finals of a tournament, but maybe in the early rounds it would be fun. granite-- I am also curious how Shady beats CapCom so easily... I usually have descent success against Cable/CapCom.... but not Sent/CapCom. Against Cable/CapCom... I usually wave dash in a throw or get right in their face and triangle jump or do nothing... I also have moderate success with the crouching lk trick. Sent/CapCom is a pain only because he covers his ass with drones or something that hinders my rushdown... but I am learning how to get past this. Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:22:2001 12:42 AM: Gutabo, do a normal jump, jab and aaa at the same time or close to each other. The timing doesn't have to be too precise, the only crucial point is connecting the jab at the peak of the opponents jump. Just try for yourself, you'll get it within no time. I was pretty surprised how simple this guard break was. ShadyK's mags. If only I knew how he does most of that stuff he does. Hopefully he'll check back in this thread and answer it himself. My guess is that he is just incredible at predicting when capcom will be tossed out and does his work before he even comes out. Just some natural skill. chessemaster, I can see how that team is effective. Both assists act as massive shields for magneto to go for the rush. I don't know about using hulk though, but if your confident with him, more power to you... Posted by KusanagiClan on 05:22:2001 10:44 PM: A couple of new threads has gotten me thinking about the best restart combos for magneto. Please share your most efficient ones with everyone. Feel free to share your flashiest ones as well, but looking for more damage than flash. Here's a bare bones combo for the magster: In corner, rh throw, otg,, c.rh, hypergrav, launch, chain combo, fp throw, hypergrav tempest. This easily takes the opponent down below quarter life. Look forward to see everyone elses. Posted by HawaiiRules on 05:25:2001 01:42 AM: Anybody know when will be getting new videos? All times are GMT. The time now is 01:31 AM. Show all 78 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.